Pastor Ron Philabaum officially installed Pastor Jerome Cloninger as Pastor at Macedonia Lutheran Church in Burlington. His family attended and participated in the service. We welcome him and his family to our church family.

Our 151st Homecoming was celebrated Sunday, September 27, 2020. It was nothing like any of us would have wanted, but we were still "together" as we listened to the service from our homes. After worship 78 people received Holy Communion in our first ever "drive by" style of delivery. The proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ is alive and vibrant in this time of pandemic. Thanks to all who participated in any way to make homecoming special.

Every year the NC Engage the Bible Task Group sponsors the Tell It! video contest. Youth groups across the Synod prepare videos based on Bible stories of their choosing. This weekend, at the NC Lutheran Youth Organization Gathering, the top three videos were shown and the youth at the Gathering rated them. The youth of Macedonia came in first. You can see the 9 other videos at the NC Synod YouTube page. Jesus Walks on Water video

Our 11th Annual Oktoberfest was great. The food was fabulous, attendance was great. A special shout out to Dan Voelkert who was called upon at the last minute and "volunteered" to prepare the bratwurst and what a recipe. Brats nesteled on a bed of peppers and onions..... delicious. This years Chrismon is the "Cross of Eternity" and turned out beautifully. Thanks to all that prepared our wonderful meal and attended the Chrismon session.

The capstone event of the 150th Anniversary Celebration was the Organized Rhythm Concert held Sunday, October 20, 2019.
Clive Driskill-Smith (Organ) and Joseph Gramley (Percussion) filled our sanctuary with sounds likely never heard in that space. It was uplifting, mesmerizing, and spirited. A Gala reception followed the concert in Luther Hall where guest enjoyed beautifully displayed and delicious treats prepared by caterer, Chris Rumley. Thank you to the 150th Committee for organizing this event and to Sam Meares (Director of Music) for inviting Organized Rhythm (Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists) to share their talents with our church and the community. Over 175 people attended. Happy 150th Anniversary Macedonia! What a great year!
Clive Driskill-Smith (Organ) and Joseph Gramley (Percussion) filled our sanctuary with sounds likely never heard in that space. It was uplifting, mesmerizing, and spirited. A Gala reception followed the concert in Luther Hall where guest enjoyed beautifully displayed and delicious treats prepared by caterer, Chris Rumley. Thank you to the 150th Committee for organizing this event and to Sam Meares (Director of Music) for inviting Organized Rhythm (Phillip Truckenbrod Concert Artists) to share their talents with our church and the community. Over 175 people attended. Happy 150th Anniversary Macedonia! What a great year!

The cool air and misting rain did not dampen the spirits of those gathered to close the new cornerstone commemorating 150 years of Macedonia Lutheran Church. The Order of Service included preparing and laying the cornerstone. Dan Voelkert led us in singing "The Church's One Foundation." We are blessed at Macedonia to celebrate this momentous anniversary.

Happy 150th Birthday to Macedonia Lutheran Church. Today is the date of entry into the "official church" at the time. We celebrated with a wonderfully prepared hotdog meal, served outside. There were games for everyone, great music, cake, and a pie eating contest. Thanks to the 150th Anniversary Committee for all the hard work to pull this off. The pictures tell the story of a good time had by all.

As part of our 150th anniversary celebration as a congregation, our worship today was in the style of our founding year, 1869. While there is no replicating the exact nature of the first worship gathering at Macedonia, we used the Lutheran liturgy as published in the 1867 Book of Worship by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in North America (often abbreviated General Synod, South). We sang three hymns a capella and read scripture from the King James Version of the Bible, as we imagine the congregation would have done in our earliest days. There were over 150 people present and many were dressed in period attire, reminding us of the clothing of the time. We ended with a pot luck lunch featuring ham, cornbread, and side dishes from 150 years ago. Luther Hall was decorated with things from the past including old quilts, wooden trays, and flowers. Thanks to the 150th Anniversary Committee for hosting, preparing, serving, and cleaning. Job well done by all.

It was an honor for Macedonia Lutheran Church to host the A Cappella Choir from Lenoir Rhyne University in our sanctuary Sunday night. We were the last stop on their spring semester tour as they returned to Hickory from Wilmington. There were ~50 singers, directed by Dr. Ryan Luhrs, accompanied by Jeana Neal Borman, and brass ensemble, led by Christopher Nigrelli. Jenna Waters, a junior in sacred music, accompanied the choir from the organ.
It was an awesome concert. We are so blessed.
It was an awesome concert. We are so blessed.

It was a blessed Christmas Eve at Macedonia Lutheran Church. It is always special to have the Cathedral Brass and really special that this is the 25th consecutive year they have played at the Christmas Eve service. We are also thankful for our organist, Samuel Meares for planning and leading worship. We enjoyed Dr. Mark A. Rumley at the piano and soloist Sheila Gibson and Gretchen Bruesehoff Wiles. Pastor Goeres delivered a homily focused on God made flesh and the power of human touch. Enjoy these photos of our beautiful sanctuary. You can almost hear the music. The sermon audio can be heard on the audio tab. Merry Christmas!

If you missed this service, I'm truly sorry and you should make plans to be there next year for this inspirational, uplifting, and entertaining event. Stay tuned for more details and credits here. Many thanks to Samuel Meares, Director of Music, who planned and coordinated the music, choirs, lay readers, and musicians. Thanks to all involved for making it special, including, MLC's Chancel Choir, Youth Handbells, the Children's Choir (under the direction of Pastor Suzanne Shoffner), Lynda Cykert (flute), Dr. Timothy Holley (violoncello), Bonnie Bach (harp). More details to follow.

The Fall Seminar on Mental Health Awareness was well attended by 27 folks. We had 2 dynamite presenters as well as mental health information for us to take home. Presenters were our own Pastor Richard Goeres as well as Meredith Peffle, a Community Relations Specialist from Cardinal Innovations Healthcare.
A continental breakfast and lunch were served and both were great. Those that did not make this seminar can look forward to next years Fall Seminar. Don't miss it!
A continental breakfast and lunch were served and both were great. Those that did not make this seminar can look forward to next years Fall Seminar. Don't miss it!

This event was well attended and everyone seemed to enjoy the healthy snacks prepared by the Health & Wholeness Ministry Team. Thanks to all that attended and made this event successful.

It was a wonderful day at Macedonia as we celebrated our 149th Homecoming. Pastor Graf was our guest pastor, the music was fabulous, and lunch was the best ever. Thanks to Pastor Graf, Pastor Goeres, the Cathedral Brass, Linda Cykert, Samuel Meares, Dr. Mark Rumley, Pastor Suzanne Shoffner, all of our choirs, and WELCA, for making it a special day.

Macedonia staff, board members, and committee heads met to develop strategy for our church future. AND to have a bit of fun also!

MLC 's celebration of the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with wonderful music, scripture, and a beautifully delivered sermon is captured in this photo album.
Enjoy the photos and listen to the message on the MLC website, www.macedonialutheran.com.
Enjoy the photos and listen to the message on the MLC website, www.macedonialutheran.com.

Macdeonia's Festival Service of Nine Lessons and Carols was a magical and uplifting experience. Samuel Meares, Director of Music, planned and coordinated the music, choirs, lay readers, and musicians. Thanks to all involved for making it special, including, MLC's Chancel Choir, Youth Handbells, the Children's Choir (under the direction of Pastor Suzanne Shoffner), Lynda Cykert (flute), Terry Patrickis (flute), Dr. Timothy Holley (violoncello), Bonnie Bach (harp), The Market Street Brass, Dr. Cort McClaren (timpani), Dr. Mark A. Rumley (organ), guest singers Gretchen Wiles , Luc Stadler, and Jennifer Gibbons from Elon Community Church, and Charles Beard from Holy Comforter, and lay readers, Cathi Mohundro, Daniel Thigpen, Clay Hemric, Emily Pope, Greg Myers, Robin Huffman, Connie Poovey, Pastor Suzanne Shoffner, and Pastor Richard Goeres.
Listen to the recording on the audio tab while you view these wonderful photos taken by Dennis White.
Looking forward to next year already!
Listen to the recording on the audio tab while you view these wonderful photos taken by Dennis White.
Looking forward to next year already!

The 148th Macedonia Lutheran Church Homecoming was a blessed reunion of family and friends. Pastor David Sloop was at Macedonia from 1978 - 1982 and was our guest preacher for the day. What a joy to have him, his wife Sally, and most of their family at church. The Cathedral Brass blessed us with their talents and wonderful sound. Luther Hall was full of people and food as we celebrated together. Thanks to everyone that played a part in making it all come together.

Easter Sunday at Macedonia was a blessed experience. The Chldren's Choir sang the introit, four of our brothers and sisters in Christ received communion for the first time as they gathered around the altar with their families, and The Cathedral Brass joined us with their wonderful sounds. The sanctuary was full as we gave thanks for the empty tomb! He is Risen! Alleluia!

A beautiful day for an egg hunt. The kids enjoyed the hunt and the adults MAY have had a treat or two as well.

We celebrated the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with two Candlelight Services at Macedonia. We were blessed with many talented musicians to enhance our worship experience. The children sang at the 4:00 accompanied by Heather Maneiro. Dr. Mark Rumley played the piano during the prelude and accompanied Gretchen Bruesehoff Wiles beautifully singing Gesù Bambino and Maddie Johnson sounding like an angel singing O Holy Night. The wonderful sound of the Cathedral Brass was uplifting and organ selections from our beloved organist Sam Meares made it a joyous night. As always, Pastor Richard Goeres delivered a message that was spot on. If you missed it, the audio is on the Macedonia page. Thanks to all for making the sanctuary beautiful and for participating in worship. Merry Christmas!

Words cannot express how wonderful this service was. If it was not your privilege to attend, we hope you can get a sense of its majesty from the photos contained in this album. Thanks to the many musicians, singers, and ringers who prepared and performed to bring this message to everyone.

A good time was had by all. Good food, good fellowship, great Chrismons for folks to take home for their Christmas trees.

The 147th Homecoming Service and covered dish lunch that followed were fabulous, uplifting, and joyous. We were blessed to have Rev. Judy Copeland, pastor of Lutheran Church of Our Father in Greensboro and Dean of the Northern Piedmont Conference of the ELCA, as our guest minister. She shared a beautiful message, challenging us to remember who we are; children of God and loved by God. The music, including two songs from the Children\\\'s Choir, an anthem called \\\"Coming Home\\\" by the Chancel Choir, and the hymns by Sam Meares at the organ and piano, was inspirational. We are grateful to The Cathedral Brass for spending Sunday morning with us to enhance our service. Pastor Goeres led his first Homecoming Services as our called pastor. We are blessed to have him at Macedonia. Thanks to all for coming home.

A Service of Installation for Rev. Richard James Goeres was held at Macedonia Sunday, August 28th. It is official, Pr. Richard is our newly called pastor. We welcome him and his wife Lindsey to our church family. It was a joyous celebration attended by 220 people, including Pr. Richard's family and friends. Rev. Rick Goeres (Pastor Richard's father) from First Lutheran Church in Norfolk, VA, led worship and we had the privilege of a beautifully delivered sermon. The apple did not fall far from that tree!! Rev. Ron Rinn, Dean of the Salem Conference, represented the Bishop's office and performed the "rite of installation." Sandra Cline, Call Process Coordinator from the NC Synod office, attended and also took photos shared on Facebook. There was enough food to feed an army as we gathered for lunch after the service. Thanks to all for a joyous service and wonderful luncheon.

Early this morning, yes, very early this morning, we gathered to send 11 (4 adults and 7 youth) Macedonians to Oaks Indian Mission in Oaks, Oklahoma. The Mission is an orphanage and is the oldest Lutheran social Ministry in the United States. Please pray for safe travels, strengthened relationships, and great weather as they do God's work.

June 27-July 1, 2016, A very good turnout and lots of fun and adventures for all the kids. Thanks to all that planned and executed this blessing for the kids. The hot dogs on Friday were also very good. Thanks to the Men of Macedonia for preparing and serving those dogs!

A delicious meal was served to our new confirmands and their families. Several gifts were given to help them along their new journeys. Thanks to all who prepared and served the meal to the group.

What warm Christmas weather! Members and guests enjoyed both our 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM services. We hope these photos will encourage you to come next year for this special service. Merry Christmas to all....... and REMEMBER, this is what Christmas is all about!

Thanks to Kim and Dan and all their helpers for entertaining our congregation with the Christmas Story at the annual pageant.

Oktoberfest 2015 was a huge success. The food was fabulous, attendance was great, and the 7th Annual Chrismon was a hit! Every family made a cross called "The Unity of Father and Son." Thanks to all that prepared our wonderful meal.

Macedonia's 146th Homecoming celebration was wonderful. Thanks to the Cathedral Brass, Sam Meares, Macedonia Ringers, The Chancel Choir, Pastor Goeres, and Pastor Tonnesen for making it special for us all. The music and sermon were uplifting. And the luncheon that followed is touted to be the "best in the Synod."
Today's service included Affirmation of Baptism for 5 young adults which represented Macedonia's confirmation class of 2015. It was a wonderful service and hosted some proud parents.
Easter Sunday service at Macedonia was spectacular. The Sanctuary was beautiful with the flowers and pew torches in place. The music provided by many choirs and instruments was uplifting. We closed, as is the tradition, with the Hallelujah Chorus, sung by everyone that wanted to sing. There are no words to describe the acoustics of our space! We are grateful to the Cathedral Brass for being with us at Easter. Pastor Suzanne's Children's Message was perfect. The child that answered the question "What did the 3 women find when they arrived at Jesus' tomb?" with "He was not there" is the message of the day. He is risen! Allelulia! Please enjoy these photos taken by Dennis White.
Both our 4:00 PM and 10:00 PM services were well attended. Take a look and we'll look forward to seeing YOU at one of our services for Christmas 2015. Merry Christmas to all..... and to all a good night!
Macedonia's Annual Christmas Pageant was written this year by Miss Emily Adkins. The play was kicked off with solo activity by some very talented young musicians that entertained our audience. Thanks to all the kids and young adults that delivered this annual message to remind us all of the reason for the season. Enjoy the photos.
What a beautiful tree. Thanks to all who came out to put up the tree and then to hang the Chrismons. Macedonia should be proud!!
The Annual Oktoberfest and Chrismon making was a huge success. Great food, fun, and fellowship. Every family left with stomachs full, hearts of joy, and the Bell of Encouragement to hang on their Christmas Tree (the 6th annual Chrismon). Thanks to all who prepared food.
A wonderful service today to celebrate Macedonia's 145th Anniversary. Sermon was provided by guest Pastor Laura Voelkert Weant who is a native of Burlington and grew up at Macedonia, where she was heavily involved in the music ministry. After the service the congregation enjoyed a pot luck meal which was outstanding.

Beginning of our summer series with the church's birthday on Pentecost and refreshing lemonade and birthday cake in the courtyard

What a wonderful candlelight service. These photos capture this service from rehearsal prior to service all the way through recessing. For those of you who were unable to attend, enjoy!!

What a wonderful way to REALLY put Christmas in your heart. All the youth (young and older) AND Miss Joy just simply took it all to a new level. ALL of you have something very special to be proud of. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL AND TO ALL A GOOD NIGHT!!!

August 14-16, 2013. A good time was had by all the kids. A BIG thanks to all the volunteers that provided the love and hands to hold this event for the kids (and adults!)

A very fine production performed by the Macedonia youth. A special thanks to Miss Joy for ALL her musical talent and to Kristin Spencer for her costume talents along with all the hard work and dedication by all

A small but energetic group met to hang the beautiful chrismons on the Macedonia Tree

A good time was had by all. This years project was a little more difficult but everyone did a very good job.

Some miscellaneous photos of the Easter Lilies and some of the young members of Macedonia

A good time was had by all at the "Camel Lot"!!! Our kids delivered a wonderful program that was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Joy for bringing it all together.

A very beautiful service brought in Christmas. Thanks for all the hard work by everyone in preparation for this service.

A very good performance by the Macedonia youth directed by Miss Joy. Thanks for the hard work by everyone.

For anyone who missed this service, I hope this will provide a sense of how beautiful the service is. Next time, a tripod will be in order! Enjoy, Dennis

Joy's school chorus group sang at Sunday morning worship and at a covered dish lunch afterwards.

The pageant, Lost and Found, was very good. Written by Emily Adkins and produced by Joy Rust. I think everyone in attendance enjoyed the production.

What an exciting first day we had visiting Rome. We went to the marketplace and made piggy banks. We also bought a snack with our denali. We bought wraps and learned how to drape togas. We listened to Paul tell stories even though he was chained and held captive by Brutus....a Roman Guard. Our Bible verse today is "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)
2-12-2006. The talent show was so entertaining with talent from all ages. The fellowship was warm and what talented people we have here at Macedonia Lutheran. Thanks to Joy Rust and Greg Myers for organizing and making this fundraiser happen for the youth.